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Germany? Before the beginning there was Ginnungagap, an empty space of nothingness, filled with pure creative power. (Sort of like the inside of my head.)And it ends with Ragnarok, the twilight of the Gods. In between is much fighting, betrayal and romance. Just as a good Godly story should be.Heroes have their own ...
Augsburg (Germany)
Waiblingen, Germany
Waiblingen die junge Stadt in alten Mauern
Aalen, Germany
Schorndorf, Germany
In Schorndorf is the birthplace of Gottlieb Daimler
Ludwigsburg, Germany
Goeppingen, Germany
Goeppingen is a town at the river Fils bitween Stuutgart and Ulm. Homepage
Backnang, Germany
New Paltz
New Caledonia
New Caledonia is the closest South Pacific Island to Australia and New Zealand. It is a French Territory and although the official language is French the culture is a blend of Melanesian, European, Polynesian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indonesian, and more. There is one large mountainous island called Grande Terre and 6 ...
New Zealand
New Mexico
New Mexico is a state located in the southwestern region of the United States. Inhabited by Native American populations for many centuries, it has also been part of the Imperial Spanish viceroyalty of New Spain, part of Mexico, and a U.S. territory. Among U.S. states, New Mexico has the highest percentage of Hispani...
New Delhi
New Garden Potsdam
Neuer GartenPotsdam
Esslingen/Neckar, Germany
Esslingen am Neckar
Schwaebisch Hall, Germany
Schwäbisch Hall liegt im engen Tal des Kochers, einem Nebenfluß des Neckars, inmitten der Hohenloher Ebene. Die im Jahre 1156 erstmals urkundlich erwähnete Stadt entwickelte sich sehr schnell zu einer bedeutenden Stadt, die 1280 zur Reichsstadt aufstieg. Das Salz, das durch verdampfen der Sole gewonnen wurde trug ma...
New York City
Overview and HistoryNew York was invented by time-traveling punks from across the galaxy so they could show up there in 1977, smash some guitars and then overdose on heroin to die in the East Village, according to prophecy.The historic origins of the city go back to long before the American Revolution. Let's take a ...
Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico
Hugon Island - New Caledonia
Mare, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia
Mare Island is the southernmost of the four Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia. It is an uplifted coral atoll with jagged cliffs on the southern shores 130 metres high. The center of the island, the ancient lagoon, is flat and there are several caves and sink-holes - some with salt water and others with fresh water. A...
Ouvea Loyalty Islands New Caledonia
Ouvea Atoll is the northernmost of the four Loyalty Islands. The eastern side of the atoll was uplifted millions of years ago so the whole eastern side forms one long narrow coral island with one of the world's most spectacular white sand beaches along the proctected lagoon. Ouvea is a 40 minute flight from Noumea, ...
New Munich Trade Fair Centre
From Wikipedia: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messe_München Die Messe München GmbH ist der Betreiber des Messegeländes Neue Messe München. Die Ausstellungsfläche beträgt 180.000 m². Dort und an weiteren weltweiten Standorten ist die Messe München International  (MMI)[1]  Veranstalter von jährlich etwa 40 Fachmessen f...
Juist  ist eine der Ostfriesischen Inseln am Wattenrand der südlichen Nordsee, zwischen Borkum (westl.), Memmert (südwestl.) und Norderney (östl.) gelegen. Die Insel ist 17 km lang und (gezeitenabhängig) teilweise nur 500 m breit. Auf der Insel gibt es zwei Orte: den Hauptort Juist (auch Dorf oder Ostdorf genannt) u...
Melanesia is a term describing Pacific islands inhabited by black skinned people. It includes the islands of the Torres Straits, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Fiji. The long chain of islands is highly volcanic and is also known as the "ring of fire". The people who inhabited these...